
Arduboy Mini

No Frills!

The Mini shrinks the size and ditches the case, battery and speaker reducing it to a minimalist and cute-as-hell piece of functional circuit board art. And yes, that’s a USB-C port!

Designed for the Classroom!

Arduboy Mini reduces the cost, being more affordable for scenarios like a school , where all of the bells and whistles are not necessary to experience the joys of developing games on 8-bit hardware.

All the games!

The Arduboy Mini might be small in stature but it includes ALL the Arduboy games. That’s right, even more than the Arduboy FX! Community members have scoured the vast reaches of the internet and gathered an exhaustive library of games that will be included on each diminutive little device.

Ready to be hacked!

Pads for adding a speaker, and a rechargable lithium battery are available. The circuitry for battery charging is included on-board. All of the GPIO is available and a standard ISCP header is provided as well. Design files for 3d-printable cases will be available to download!

Arduboy Mini is live for Pre-Order now! Available for $29