Welcome to FX
This guide will show you how to quickly begin playing games on your Arduboy FX. If you would like learn to code or develop your own games skip down to the programming section.
Use the Menu
The Arduboy FX starts with a menu that loads every time it is turned on or “boots”. We call it a “boot loader menu”. From this menu you can choose from over 200 games pre-installed on the device.
Navigate the Categories
Arduboy has over 200 games organized into 12 categories. Navigate through the categories with the [Right] and [Left] Buttons.
Start to Play
When you can see the title screen of the game you want to play press [A] or [B] buttons to load and play the game. Pressing either button from the main menu, before selecting a game, will play the previously loaded game.
Hold to Reset
Within a game hold [Up] and [Down] buttons together for 3 seconds to return to the boot-loader menu.
Programming your Arduboy
This guide will teach you how to setup your computer to upload software and games to your Arduboy.
This tiny 8-bit computer contains all of the instructions, graphics, and sound to produce the game played on the device.
Step 1: Arduino
Step 2: Libraries
Step 3: Library Manager
Development Note: The primary development library for the Arduboy is the “Arduboy2” library (the original library was superseded by community development). Click here for documentation on the Arduboy 2 library.
Step 4: Boards and Ports
Custom board files will add an “Homemade” package to your library which allows a lot of amazing new features to building your own Arduboy.
Note: If you use this board package, you must uninstall the Arduboy2 library. This board package INCLUDES the Arduboy2 library. If the Arduboy2 library is installed it will cause a conflict and you will not be able to use the advanced features.
Select File > Preferences.
Settings Tab > Additional Boards Manager URLs:
Click on OK to save the preferences.
Select Tools > Board: > Boards Manager..
Enter “arduboy” in the search feild.
Click on the box containing: Arduboy by Arduboy Team
Click on the Install button that appears at the bottom right of the box.
There should now be items Arduboy and Arduboy DevKit available for selection in the menu that you get using Tools > Board: